Installing Yii in wamp on Windows XP

I was successful in installing Yii  in wamp on Windows XP .

The versions are as follows:

Operating System : Windows XP Professional Version 2002 , Service Pack 2

Apache : 2.2.8

PHP : 5.2.6

MYSQL : 5.0.51b

Yii : 1.1.0 (January 10 2010)

Follow the following steps for installation:

1) Click on “Start”

2) goto “My Computer”

3) Right Click and select Properties

4) You will see “System Properties” window

5)  Select “Advanced”tab

6) In “Advanced” tab, click on “Environment Variables”

7) Select “Path” in “System Variables” section

8) Click on “Edit” on selevtion “Path” in “System Variables” section

9) “Edit System Varibale” window will appear with “Variable name” and “Variable value” fields

10)  Enter “C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.6” at the end without double quotes.

11)  Click on OK, OK and OK.

13) Click on Start > Run > cmd

14) It will take you to the command prompt

15) C:\>cd wamp\www

16) C:\wamp\www>mkdir myYii  (myYii is the name of the application you want)

17) C:\wamp\www>cd yii\framework

18) C:\wamp\www\yii\framework> yiic webapp c:\wamp\www\myYii
Create a Web application under ‘C:\wamp\www\myYii’? [Yes|No] y
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/assets
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/css
generate css/bg.gif
generate css/form.css
generate css/ie.css
generate css/main.css
generate css/print.css
generate css/screen.css
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/images
generate index-test.php
generate index.php
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected
generate protected/.htaccess
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/commands
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/commands/shell
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/components
generate protected/components/Controller.php
generate protected/components/UserIdentity.php
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/config
generate protected/config/console.php
generate protected/config/main.php
generate protected/config/test.php
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/controllers
generate protected/controllers/SiteController.php
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/data
generate protected/data/schema.mysql.sql
generate protected/data/schema.sqlite.sql
generate protected/data/testdrive.db
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/extensions
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/messages
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/models
generate protected/models/ContactForm.php
generate protected/models/LoginForm.php
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/runtime
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/tests
generate protected/tests/bootstrap.php
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/tests/fixtures
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/tests/functional
generate protected/tests/functional/SiteTest.php
generate protected/tests/phpunit.xml
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/tests/report
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/tests/unit
generate protected/tests/WebTestCase.php
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/views
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/views/layouts
generate protected/views/layouts/main.php
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/views/site
generate protected/views/site/contact.php
generate protected/views/site/error.php
generate protected/views/site/index.php
generate protected/views/site/login.php
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/protected/views/site/pages
generate protected/views/site/pages/about.php
generate protected/yiic
generate protected/yiic.bat
generate protected/yiic.php
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/themes
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/themes/classic
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/themes/classic/views
generate themes/classic/views/.htaccess
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/themes/classic/views/layouts
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/themes/classic/views/site
mkdir C:/wamp/www/myYii/themes/classic/views/system

Your application has been created successfully under C:\wamp\www\myYii.

Thats all. You are ready to use your application by accessing the URL : http://localhost/myYii/

14 thoughts on “Installing Yii in wamp on Windows XP

  1. Dave Porter

    Some corrections:
    1. item 10 – there must be a semi-colon before entering the c:\wamp…. path on the end of the existing string (paths)
    2. between 16 and 17 you need to copy the yii framework files into the www folder.
    Thanks for the info

  2. Viiratech

    Thank you for the informative tutorial.
    #STEP 10
    One clarification is that if the variable values placeholder is already containing other paths then its better one goes to the end of the existing paths and add a semi colon “;” and then place the “C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.6” as per your tutorial.


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